Mega Airport
Madrid Professional (Prepar3D V4)
At this
page we provide "Service Packs"
and more for our
sceneries. Later this "Service Pack" will be
part of a new "Full Installer",
downloadable at the customer page of your
download shop (Aerosoft, simmarket, ...). There is no need to install
the new complete installer, when
the "Service Packs" are allready installed.
Instructions for the installation are
within the ZIP file.
Released at September 28th, 2018 |
- No longer available. This Hotfix is now
part of Hotfix 2 |
removed |
Hotfix 2
Released at October 1st, 2018 |
Changelog: - fixed AFCAD files for GSX which has
problems with dummy gates for alternate
parking positions - New AFCAD file with
"all RWYs open" as an alternative to
north/south configuration (Please
acknowledge that this option will
cause unrealistic RWY operation for Take off
and landing!) - New configuration tool
with the third Afcad option "All RWYs open"
- Fixed minor flickering at Runways -
Removed crew building at T4 Satellite (was
removed at real airport) - Added
plattform to Terminal 4 and T4 Sat
depaturelevel (In case you want to walk with
an avatar) - Added luggage announcement
in Terminal 4 and T4 Sat - Added options
to the configuration tool |
43 MB |